Top 10 Food Service Management of 2022
For many years, dining standards progressed slowly until the pandemic upended the sector and ushered in a new age in foodservice and hospitality. In the next few years, the broad picture for restaurants shows operators reacting to new problems such as supply chain concerns and the anticipated labor crisis.
Top 10 ERP Solution Providers of 2022
From back-end activities like accounting, HR, procurement, and manufacturing to frontoffice services like sales force automation (SFA), marketing automation, and ecommerce, enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions have evolved and expanded their scope to serve most corporate tasks.
10 Best eClinical Trial Management Solution Providers of 2022
Nearly 5,000 clinical studies have been initiated in the last year to investigate life-saving therapies and vaccinations for the new coronavirus.Enrollment in the Covid-19 clinical study is 80% greater than the national average. This is less amazing when you realize that for many conditions, such as cancer, less than 10%...
Top 10 Admired Tech Companies of 2021
We can clearly see that the pandemic will continue to be the main driver of business throughout 2021 and beyond. As well as an economic disorder in the months to come, but there will be bright spots, and the companies who can navigate their way through this are the ones who will outshine everyone in the industry.
Top 10 Technology Solution Providers of 2021
For companies built to identify and control change, they can apply it in the circumstances of consumer requirements better and faster than incumbent brands, bequeathing those not equipped for that context left to react. That is the crux of the divide separating digitally native companies and entrenched businesses.
10 Most Admired Companies of 2021
However, it is tough to become a successful entrepreneur. To explain, of all the new startups that were put up in 2014, only about 56 percent survived until their fifth year. This is attributed to the many problems and challenges that lurk in the ever-changing business arena.
10 Best Tech Companies of 2021
As per the Technology Vision Consumer Survey, 52 percent of customers say that technology plays a prominent part or is ingrained into almost all phases of their day-to-day lives. Nineteen percent report that technology is so intertwined with their experiences that they view it as an extension of themselves. Globally,...
10 Best Technology Solution Providers of 2021(vol-1)
Since its introduction in the 1990s, market intelligence (or as widely referred to as BI) has grown from a technological and IT-centric framework to a more holistic and IT-enabled process over the last decade.Business intelligence is being more specifically related to business operations in two distinct ways.
Top 10 Innovative Companies To Watch in 2021
New technologies, changing customer demands, and societal shifts are rapidly changing the business arena. These factors paved the way for location-independent firms, niche markets, disruptive sectors, and close-knit global teams. However, to get the benefits that these changes have to offer, entrepreneurs need to be on...
10 Best Technology Solution Providers of 2021
Navigating tech-clash is a significant challenge for C-suite leaders in the next decade. Up until now, businesses have essentially benefited from following the technology roadmap put out by digital pioneers. Now, digital technology is evolving from an asset to a basic expectation—and yesterday’s best practices...
10 Most Inspiring Business Leaders of 2021
On the technology leader’s journey, the board and other C-suite executives will be critical partners. Following the path tread by executives in state-of-the-art organizations, tech-savvy business leaders should engage, enable, and support their change-driving technology leaders. Especially financial literacy,...
10 Most Innovative Leaders of 2020
New technologies, changing customer demands, and societal shifts are rapidly changing the business arena. These factors paved the way for location-independent firms, niche markets, disruptive sectors, and close-knit global teams. However, to get the benefits that these changes have to offer, entrepreneurs need to be on...

10 Most Inspiring CEO's of 2020
CEOs of successful corporations know a crucial part of success is attributed to collaboration. Great leaders strongly believe in building secure networks and know the unique way to do so is forging mutually-beneficial relationships.